March 15 
(Sunrise - Monday morning)
On Monday we went to Apia to see if we could get our return flights and
visas extended. As it turned out the visas were not a problem, just a little
paperwork and a $50 Tala fee. The tickets were a different story. It appears
that I had purchased an airfare that was restricted to 30 days and to extend
the return to 60 days would cost each of us approximately $300 US and that
was just Air New Zealand. I expect US Airways would have charged us at least
$100 US each to rewrite the ticket. We decided not to spend the extra money
and will be returning to State College on Tuesday, March 25.
Travel Tip #1. Make sure you understand what your restrictions are on
your tickets. We bought ours through Expedia and it is not always obvious
with Internet purchases as to the restrictions.
Travel Tip #2. This will apply to very few of you. If your spouse was
born in Samoa and has a Samoan passport or birth certificate they should
bring them with them. This is regardless of whether or not they are an US
Citizen and traveling on an US passport. The Samoan passport does not need
to be current. This will enable both of you to extend your visa with minimum
difficulty and expense. Otherwise you have to get a family member to
"guarantee" your support. While this is not generally a problem it does
involve more paperwork and fees.
We decided to play tourist and visit some of the things we had not seen
in Upolu on previous trips. Our first task was to find a hotel. There are
three classes of hotels in the Apia area ranging from backpacking without
hot water or air conditioning and a shared bath and toilet to international
class hotels with all the facilities a pampered tourist would expect. We
decided on a mid range hotel, Hotel Pacifica, with air conditioning and a
shower with hot water. Both were welcomed after more than two weeks in the
bush. We elected not to have the ocean view or TV. The hotel also provided
breakfast. Since the hotel does not currently have a full service restaurant
we had our other meals somewhere else. While the hotel was somewhat spartan
by US standards it was adequate and the staff quite pleasant and represented
the best in the legendary Samoan hospitality.
Travel Tip #3. Most prices are quoted in Samoan Tala. The exception
appears to be hotels. I was using the Lonely Planet Guidebook with a
revision date of 1998. The guidebook lists prices in Tala. The Hotel
Pasefika (The Hotel Pacific) was listed in the guidebook at a rate of $55
Tala. That is quite a bargain considering one US dollar buys three Tala.
When I checked in at the hotel they quoted me the $55 rate. When we checked
out we were surprised to learn that the rate was listed in US dollars. We
learned later that all the hotels were listing their rate cards in US
dollars. The government also charges a 12.5% tax on most purchases including
hotels. In same cases, such as our car rental, we used cash and paid "under
the table" and were able to avoid the tax. We got a great rate on the car,
nearly 30% below the going rate. If you would like to know the company send
me an email.
We spent our day of sightseeing driving around the east end of the island
and along the southeast coast.

The fresh water pool at Piula is a "must do" stop for anyone visiting
Samoa. Piula is the location of Theological College for the Methodist Church
in Samoa. Behind the campus and church is a path that leads down a cliff to
the beach.

At the bottom of the cliff is a fresh water pool that flows out of a lava
cave. The pool is approximately five feet deep, twenty feet across, and
twenty-five to thirty yards long. About half of the pool is inside the cave.
For the adventurous you can dive through an opening that will lead you to
another similar, but smaller, pool about 25 yards away by land. Since I
didn’t attempt it, I don’t know how far one has to swim underwater.
From Piula we started south stopping briefly to look at Falefa Falls.

From there we crossed the island through the Lemafa Pass

We had intended to go to Samamea to look at Fagaloa Bay which is reported
to be one of the nicer bays in Upolu. I missed the turn so this will be
something for the next trip. There are road signs at most intersections;
however, we discovered that the arrows are not always pointing in the
correct direction. The moral of the story is to ask directions often. One of
the problems I had was that I was given directions in English and the Samoan
version wasn’t always recognizable. For example, I was looking for the
Morris Building in Apia and several people gave me what appeared to be good
directions, but I walked by the building several times before I realized
that Morris in Samoan was Molesi.
Once we got to the south shore we traveled west. The beaches on the south
shore are reported to be the best in Samoa but aren’t visible from the Coast
Road. To reach them you have to drive down plantation roads or hike in. Or,
you can do as we did and go to one of the several beach resorts. We stopped
by The Coconuts Resort.
This is a beautiful facility that according to my guide book was set up
by two lawyers from Chicago who were looking for "paradise." The hotel is a
very nice upscale resort. The rooms are expensive and cost over $200 US per
night. There is a range of rooms available with several rooms built out over
the water and with a glass bottom that lets you view the sea life. These
rooms are much more expensive. We had lunch at The Coconuts and as with most
hotels in Samoa found it to be expensive and not very good. The menu was a
standard Western sandwich menu. With the exception of the nights, usually
one night a week, where they have Polynesian entertainment and a Samoan
buffet the food is disappointing in most hotels.
The best eating experience we had was for lunch in an Apia restaurant
called King Taro. The food is served buffet style and had available about
eight different Samoan dishes. Some of the dishes are not available in the
hotel feasts and are served only on special occasions in the Samoan home.
This was probably the best Samoan food and the best food I had during the
whole trip. This was a real treat for Tai.
After lunch we headed back to Apia on the Tiavi Road. Both Savaii and
Upolu are mountainous with the range of volcanoes running as a spine down
the middle of the islands. The Tiavi Road crosses the island at about
mid-point. At the top of the range you get a view of a spectacular
waterfall. I am told that is no way to reach the pool at the bottom. That
sounds like a challenge to me and something to attempt in the future. At
this point you are about 2500 feet above sea level.

The distance from Asau, Savaii to Apia, Upolu is only about 88 miles, but
the trip takes about half a day. The drive from Asau, whether by bus or car,
to the wharf is about 55 miles and takes several hours. The roads are narrow
and the average driving speed is about 25 MPH with top speeds in a few
places of 30 to 40 MPH. The boat trip from Savaii to Upolu is only about an
hour depending on which boat you take but the wait for the boat can take up
to an hour if you haven’t timed things well. The bus ride from the wharf on
Upolu to Apia takes about 45 minutes to an hour. It is a grueling trip.

A note about the buses. These are home made jobs. They consist of a
wooden frame built upon a bus chassis. Typically they are under powered,
noisy, and uncomfortable. The seats are wooden and the only padding is that
which God gave you.

Apia is about the only thing that resembles a city in Samoa. It is built
on a bay and the main road runs along the curve of the harbor. It is the
seat of the government and commercial activity. In reality, Apia is made up
of a number of small villages much like the State College area is a
collection of townships only the area is much smaller. With the exception of
a couple new high rise (seven or eight stories) office buildings the
commercial area consists of one and two story wooden or concrete structures
some of which date back to time of the German colonial days. There is not
much for the tourist in Apia other than to shop for handicrafts. We managed
to avoid that this time since our house is already filled with Samoan
artifacts. To truly experience Samoa you have to get outside of Apia.
While we were in Apia we visited the home of Robert Louis Stevenson. I
had been to his grave which is located on Mt. Vaea overlooking the Apia
harbor, but never to his home. R.L. Stevenson lived the last five years of
his life in Samoa. He had TB and his doctor recommended that he move to a
warm tropical climate. He quickly adapted to Samoan life and became highly
respected by the Samoans. When he died he was given a funereal by the
Samoans that is reserved for the head of state. He was given the name Tusi
Tala which means the Story Teller. He is still highly respected today.

We spent two evenings with Tai’s niece and her family while in Apia.
Their lifestyle is very different from that in Asau. It really pointed out
to me how rural and traditional life is in Savaii.
We spent a little time investigating housing options. It appears that
quite a few places are available for purchase and rent. We looked at one
very attractive house that rents for about $500 US. I think that is within
our budget and my next task is to convince Tai that this is a move we should
make. We have both come to the realization that it is not practical to live
in Asau. I found the temperature and humidity slightly less in Apia, but Tai
is still having problems with the heat. |