February 26
I had forgotten how long and hard the trip is to
Samoa. We left State College on Monday, February 24 at 7:15 am and arrived
in Apia, Samoa on Tuesday at 2:25 am. We arrived in Asau around 2:00 pm on
Tuesday. The flight time was about 17 hours, ferry time of about 50 mins.,
bus ride of 45 min. and truck ride of 2 hours. That left lots of waiting
time at airports and the ferry. The entire trip took about 38 hours, plus
or minus. During that time we got very little sleep and of course in the
excitement of the trip neither Tai nor I slept much the night before we
left. I figure that we went almost three days without any sleep.
It is easy to forget how humid Samoa is. I was soaked
in sweat within a few minutes of leaving the airplane in Apia. I remember
in 1968 getting off Pan American Airlines in Pago Pago and as I stepped out
of the airplane it felt as if I had just opened an oven as the heat and
humidity hit me. It wasn’t much different this time except that we arrived
in the early morning hours and the humidity was a little less oppressive. I
have lived in and traveled to other tropical locations but have never been
in any place as humid as the islands. All-in-all, the heat and humidity is
a better alternative to what we left in State College. We traded the
remnants of 14 inches of snow and grey Centre County skies for white sand
beaches and blue skies. I think it was somewhere around 19 degrees when we
left for the airport and there were predictions of snow for later that day.
The high today was 91.
The last two times I visited Samoa I approached the
trip with some apprehension with the fear that I would be disappointed.
Each time my fears have been unfounded and the ferry ride helped to
reinforce how beautiful the islands are. The first thing that strikes you
is the colors. There are three dominate colors in Samoa; green, blue, and
white. The sky is a clear robin egg blue that darkens as it reaches the
horizon and is broken up by high white thunderhead clouds that run from
cotton white to a dark grey. The sea is several shades of blue. On the
reefs the water is turquoise and emerald depending on the depth. As you get
to the deeper areas the sea turns a royal blue that reminds me of the ink we
used in schools in the days of fountain pens. From a distance all you see
of the islands is various shades of green. The rich vegetation covers any
other man made or natural colors that might be there. The exceptions are
the lava fields that introduce black to an otherwise green landscape. The
flowers are made even more beautiful by the contrasting green vegetation.
We are staying in Tai’s sisters’ house in Asau,
Savaii. Samoa is made up of two principle islands with Savaii being the
largest, but the most remote. Asau is near the western end of the island is
one of the more remote villages. Life here is still very traditional and the
area is less developed than on the main island, Upolu.
We didn’t do much today except getting some much needed
rest. I got up at 5:00 am for a walk and jog and didn’t accomplish much
other than wake a lot of dogs and scare some pigs. Later Tai and I went
down to the Methodist Church in the center of the village to watch
performances being put on by the young women of the church for a district
meeting of the woman’s auxiliary. These were choreographed to traditional
hymns as well as a rousing version of Cucaracha. Not very Samoan, but lots
of fun. This afternoon I watched one of the women of the family weave a
mat. This is all hand done and takes weeks to complete. 
It is now overcast and trying to rain. I expect that
we will have a heavy rain shower soon. There is distant thunder and you can
smell the ozone.
Tofa, George